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SPM Online has been established to enable companies to understand the people that work for them with a view to improving the overall functionality of teams and organisations.

This is about aligning personal preferences and personalities to those specific skills required for a given role.

For this purpose, SPM Online has developed a range of software products based on the most comprehensive and up to date profiling instrument: the Spony Profiling Model (SPM).

  • Award winning methodology: The SPM theory has its origins in the impressive cross-cultural study of Professor Shalom Schwarz. Doctor Gilles Spony has spent eight years at Cranfield School of Management building on and refining this research and adapting it to the work context. He developed the SPM, to measure differences in work-values and communication styles between people. For his research, he received the European Association of Personnel Management award for the best PhD thesis in 2001, for International Human Resource Management. This impeccable background is your guarantee that our products and services represent best practice in our industry.
  • An integrative model: Because the SPM is based on the most comprehensive and up to date knowledge in the field of psychology and cross-cultural psychology, it is the only management model that can analyse and create role profiles, teams/corporate profiles and individual profiles, using the same concepts and frameworks. This can enhance and facilitate a multi-layered understanding of working relationships at all levels within an organisation.
  • Precision and integrity: Work values are based on the analysis of results computed from 230 questions. Each item has been tested individually, using recognised statistical techniques (Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Small Space Analysis). The calculation of some values use no less than 36 items in both positive and negative correlations. Values can also be cross-checked with the person's communication style, as observed by three work colleagues, using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient to check the level of agreement between the three respondents. Thus, the insight provided by the SPM is extremely accurate and can be trusted as a sound base for decision-making purposes.


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